FLE-X Group
Flexible Large-scale Electricity-X

I am currently an assistant professor at Georgia Tech ISyE. My research focuses on how we make electric power systems more flexible, in order to accomodate increasing levels of intermitent renewable power.
You can contact me at: ccrozier8@gatech.edu
10/24 I was pleased to visit NC State's ISE Department to give a seminar.
09/24 Congrats to PhD student Rina for getting her first paper accepted to NAPS!
08/24 Congrats to PhD student Caleb for leading our paper accepted to HICCS!
08/24 We have been awarded a Sustainability Next Seed Grant to investigate the impact of power outages on communities.
07/24 I organized a panel at the IEEE PES General Meeting on the Grid Impacts of Transport Electrification.
01/24 I have joined IEEE Transaction on Energy, Markets, Policy and Regulation as an Associate Editor.
09/24 Congrats to PhD student Rina for getting her first paper accepted to NAPS!
08/24 Congrats to PhD student Caleb for leading our paper accepted to HICCS!
08/24 We have been awarded a Sustainability Next Seed Grant to investigate the impact of power outages on communities.
07/24 I organized a panel at the IEEE PES General Meeting on the Grid Impacts of Transport Electrification.
01/24 I have joined IEEE Transaction on Energy, Markets, Policy and Regulation as an Associate Editor.