Please see a complete list of my publications below, sorted by year, with open access versions provided in the links. Also feel free to check out my google scholar.
- C. Ju, C. Crozier, Learning a local trading strategy: Deep reinforcement learning for grid-scale renewable energy integration, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences [Code]
- H. Sharadga, J. Mohammadi, C. Crozier, K. Baker, Scalable Solutions for Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow with Multiple Time Steps, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications
- R. Davila-Severiano, C. Crozier, Scheduling electrified freight transportation to increase renewable generation utilization, IEEE North American Power Systems Conference
- C. Crozier, A. Pigott, K. Baker, Price Perturbations for Privacy Preserving Demand Response With Distribution Network Awareness, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid [Code]
- P. Priyadarshan, E. Pergantis, C. Crozier, K. Baker, K. Kircher, EDGIE: A simulation test-bed for investigating the impacts of building and vehicle electrification on distribution grids, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
- H. Sharadga, J. Mohammadi, C. Crozier, K. Baker, Optimizing Multi-Timestep Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow for Large Power Grids, Texas Power Engineering Conference
- C. Winner, J. Garland, C. Crozier, K. Baker, Carbon Emissions Resulting from Different Power Flow Models for Dispatch, IEEE PES General Meeting
- A. Pigott, C. Crozier, K. Baker, Z. Nagy, GridLearn: multiagent reinforcement learning for grid-aware building energy management, Electric Power Systems Research [Code]
- C. Crozier, Kyri Baker, The effect of renewable electricity generation on the value of cross-border interconnection, Applied Energy.
- C Crozier, K. Baker, Data-driven probabilistic constraint elimination for accelerated optimal power flow, IEEE PES General Meeting.
- C. Crozier, A. Pigott, K. Baker, Spatial arbitrage through bidirectional electric vehicle charging, IEEE PES General Meeting
- M. Li, Y. Du, J. Mohammadi, C. Crozier, K. Baker, Numerical comparisons of linear power flow approximations: optimality, feasibility, and computation time, IEEE PES General Meeting
- C. Crozier, K. Baker, Y. Du, M. Li, J. Mohammadi, Data driven methods for contingency filtering in security constrained optimal power flow, International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems
- C Crozier, K. Baker, B. Toomey, Feasible region-based heuristics for optimal transmission switching, Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks
- C. Crozier, C. Quarton, N. Mansor, D. Pagnano, I. Llewellyn, Modeling of the ability of a mixed renewable generation electricity system with storage to meet consumer demand, Electricity [Code]
- K. Collett, S. Hirmer, H. Dalkmann, C. Crozier, Y. Mulugetta, M. McCulloch, Can electric vehicles be good for Sub-Saharan Africa?, Energy Strategy Review
- C. Crozier, K. Baker, Optimal sizing of an energy storage portfolio considering multiple time-scales, IEEE PES General Meeting
- C. Crozier, T. Morstyn, M. McCulloch, Capturing diversity in electric vehicle charging behaviour for network capacity estimation, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
- C. Crozier, T. Morstyn, M. McCulloch, The opportunity for smart charging to mitigate the impact of EVs on the GB transmission and distribution systems, Applied Energy
- C. Crozier, M. Deakin, T. Morstyn, M. McCulloch, Co-ordinated electric vehicle charging to reduce losses without network impedance information, IET Smart Grid
- T. Morstyn, C. Crozier, M. Deakin, M. McCulloch, Electric vehicle smart charging with battery voltage awareness using second-order cone programming, IEEE Transactions on Transport Electrification
- C. Crozier, M. Deakin, T. Morstyn, M. McCulloch, The case for bi-directional charging of electric vehicles in low voltage distribution networks, Applied Energy
- K. Collett, M. Byamukama, C. Crozier, M. McCulloch, Energy and transport in Africa and South Asia, Energy and Economic Growth
- M. Deakin, C. Crozier, T. Morstyn, D. Apostolopoulou, M. McCulloch, Stochastic hosting capacity in distribution networks, IEEE PES General Meeting
- C. Crozier, M. Deakin, T. Morstyn, M. McCulloch, Incorporating charger efficiency into electric vehicle charging optimization, Innovation in Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe
- L. Han, T. Morstyn, C. Crozier, M. McCulloch, Improving the scalability of a prosumer cooperative game with k-means clustering, IEEE PowerTech
- C. Crozier, D. Apostolopoulou, M. McCulloch, Mitigating the impact of personal vehicle electrification: A power generation perspective, Energy Policy
- J. Cao, C. Crozier, M. McCulloch, Optimal design and operation of a low carbon community based multi-energy systems considering EV integration, IEEE Transactions of Sustainable Energy
- C. Crozier, D. Apostolopoulou, M. McCulloch, Numerical analysis of national travel data to assess the impact of UK fleet electrification, Power Systems Computation Conference
- C. Crozier, D. Apostolopoulou, M. McCulloch, Clustering of usage profiles for electric vehicle behaviour analysis, Innovation in Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe